Thigh Lift overview
Symptoms that come from extra thigh skin rubbing, like rashes and infections, can be relieved by thigh lift surgery. The incisions for the procedure vary, and several types of thigh lift surgeries are available to discuss a variety of patient needs.
Anterior and Lateral Thigh Lift (front and side of thigh lift)
These procedures lift and tighten a loose skin of the front and sides of the leg. It is accomplished through a bikini incision, and almost always is done as a part of either a tummy tuck or a lower body lift. Anterior and lateral thigh lifts leave a scar from hip to hip that usually fades in time, and can be hidden by a bathing suit or underwear.
Inner Thigh Lift
An inner thigh lift removes the excess skin of the inner thigh, and can be done using a short incision that leaves a scar in the groin crease, or a longer scar that extends down to the knee to remove the excess skin lower on the leg.
Inner thigh lift can be done in combination with arm and breast procedures, and in some cases may also be combined with tummy tuck or body lift. Because tummy tuck and body lift both use a bikini incision, the inner thigh incision can sometimes result.